Monday, May 24, 2010


Hi Friends, I am grateful to few of my friends who criticize my views on the topics because it gives me immense pleasure to put forward my view more convincingly. Also, thank you to all my friends who appreciated my views on the topics. I know it took long time to present this article in relation to my other four articles which were presented in less than two months. I had few other obligations on my head which were to be completed; hence I was not able to spare time. However, I promise to present many more articles from now onwards.

With respect to my previous article, “Petrol / Diesel Bizzare”, I would like to update you that Government will make their call on privatizing the rates of the petrol. And please this is not at all because of my blogs, it’s just for your knowledge. Also with respect to my article, “Quota’s System”, I would like to inform you that after the acceptance of Women’s Quota in Legislative, few of the politician are asking for Sub-Quota’s (i.e. Quota in Quota) for SC/ST, BCT, etc. with respect to Women’s Quota. However, the hilarious part of this information is that the politicians who are demanding for Sub-Quota are none other than those people who initially opposed the Women’s Quota in the Legislative. What a contradiction of views by those politician or May be these all acts are for increasing their Vote Bank for the proposed Election…??? Friends, these updations are not vague; I have proof for the same.

Ok.... Friends, now back to this article, this time I would like put forward my one of the views in relation to politics, i.e., Retirement Age of Ministers in Politics. Friends we all know that general retirement age in India is 65 years. For example, the retirement age for Government Job of 65 years. Also, under the Income Tax Act, 1961, the person above 65 years is treated as Senior citizen, whom additional benefits are given with respect to tax payment. But, my friends have you ever thought about the retirement age in case of ministry? Mr. L. K. Advani whose age is 82 years, still wants to become Prime Minister of India. Also, Mr. Manmohan Singh, Prime Minister of India, although, he proved himself as capable and good Prime Minister, is in his 70’s with respect to age (Age – 74 years). Another example is Mr. Karunanidhi, whose age is 85 years; he is still Chief Minister of Tamil Nadu.

I am not denying that they are not good in their job. They are very good players of their game and have done lot of good things for the development of India and their respective States. “India is a democratic country and Each and Every Person in India has a right to participate in the development of the country”, we are been taught since our school days. I am not restricting the rights of senior citizen from participation in development of the country. I am of the view that their role in development of India should bit different. They should guide Young players by sharing their experience, which will help in many ways. One of the biggest advantages will be that they will produce new generation of politics.

But don’t you think that it makes lot of sense that at least there should be Bar of Limitation with respect to age in the Legislative for the Minister. The person who is in 80’s requires more medical attention than that is required in normal life of the human. Ya, always there are few exceptional cases. Also in certain cases they are not allowed to travel, which the job of ministers requires a lot. How could you expect that person would run whole India or respective State with respect to Economy, Social, Political and other fronts, where there is day to day requirement with respect to different activities in ministry? I feel this is the biggest question to be answered by the ministers.

I know some of the questions and reasoning could be vague. But at the end, I am just producing my views to you all. So that at least you can help me out to make proper reasoning. And most importantly, it will help you to make your stand clear, for the subject matter of the blog.

Niraj M. Pandit
Mob. 90040 99398

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CA Niraj Pandit