Monday, October 7, 2013

3 years of C.A. and Thank You all...

Its been 3 years of becoming Chartered Accountant and I am so glad and satisfied with the progress which took place in these years. I still remember the reaction on seeing the magical alphabets of the result, “PASS”. Instantaneously, I screamed as loud as possible. My parents came running to see what happened to me. Truly speaking, the scream was more of relief than being happy in first shot.

Being Chartered Accountant is a dream come true of my life. During my school days itself, I targeted  of being Chartered Accountant. I still remember, when I was in 8th Standard, I told my father of me want to become C.A. Of course, the path of being Chartered Accountant was not walk in park, and it can been understood my each and every CA aspirant. Lots and lots of studies, dedication and faith in oneself is required.

While studying, I used to imagine the things which I would do after being Chartered Accountant, especially while giving Finals exam. And, now its been 3 years of me being tagged as CA Niraj Pandit. Each and every person in these words has ups and downs in his / her life, and I am no exception in these case. But it is on oneself, how he achieves his / her goals. On completion of 3 years, I can say, till date I have achieved most of my goals which I wanted to achieve in first 5 years of this lovely career.

I would like to thank all of my relatives, buddies and all of them, who has been part of my life and helped me in achieving all of my achievements. I would like to point out one interesting fact of my life. Coincidentally,  I have been to 3 schools, 3 colleges, 3 hostels and 3 cities (other than my own Morbi), which have been core institutions to reach over here.

Its has been fruitful journey till date and would carry on the same in future.

Thank You all....

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CA Niraj Pandit